Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Proin eget tortor risus. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus.
Philosophy of C. S. Lewis
This course is an introduction to the philosophy of C. S. Lewis: what he thought, why, and how that informs the way we see and experience the world. We’ll explore topics like arguments for and against God’s existence, the possibility of miracles, ethics, culture, and much more.
Christian Worldview: Christianity and its Fashionable Alternatives
In this class, we’ll explore the foundations of a Christian worldview and see how it stacks up to other religions and belief systems.
New Testament: The Revolutionary Book About God
An introduction to the characters, ideas, and events that changed the world.
Basic Christian Theology
This course seeks to answer two fundamental questions about Christianity: What do Christians believe, and why do they believe it? Students will sharpen their understanding on some of the most important aspects of Christian thought: The Trinity. Incarnation. Justification. The Church. Heaven and Hell.
History of Christianity
In this class, we’ll explore these questions and take up the arduous task of Christian history.
Philosophy of C. S. Lewis
This course is an introduction to the philosophy of C. S. Lewis: what he thought, why, and how that informs the way we see and experience the world. We’ll explore topics like arguments for and against God’s existence, the possibility of miracles, ethics, culture, and much more.
Defending the Faith: Answering Challenges To the Christian Faith
After taking Christian Apologetics you’ll have more confidence in defending your Christian beliefs.
Basic Christian Theology
Study the foundational beliefs of the faith that shape the way Christians think and live.
History of Christianity
Explore the worship and practices of Christians of the past and the historical roots of Christian beliefs.
Faith & Philosophy
A group for reading and discussing the deep thinking and rich answers of the Christian faith.