Lewis House Classes

Lewis House classes provide every college student an opportunity to take thought-provoking classes with Christian instructors at affordable tuition rates.

We come to college to get a degree. But that shouldn’t be the only reason we come to college. College is a unique time to explore big questions and find good answers that will impact the rest of your life. 

Yet so many colleges leave God out of the question—and especially the answers. At Lewis House, we’re eager to see how God fits into your syllabus. These aren’t the classes you have to take. These are classes you want to take. 

Good conversations are even better with good conversation partners. In addition to like-minded students and faithful instructors, you’ll learn from some of the wisest minds in the history of the Church. Thomas Aquinas and C. S. Lewis aren’t just historical figures. They can become friends that help you think and live well as a Christian—in college and beyond.  

And the best part is: you can earn credit toward your degree at an affordable cost. For only $100 (thanks to the generosity of Lewis House patrons!), you can take one of our three-hour, accredited courses in Christian thought.

Fall 2025 Classes

Hot Topics: Studies in Christian Ethics (Fall 2025)

Schedule: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 2-4PM (Fall 2025)
Instructor: Dr. Derek King

How should Christians think about ethical issues? Should it be different than how others do so? This course is an introduction to ethics within a Christian framework. In addition to surveying existing Christian and non-Christian ethical theories, the course explores several “hot topics” like pacifism, consuming media, gambling, IVF, and personal identity.

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Defending the Faith: Answering Challenges To the Christian Faith (Fall 2025)

Schedule: Mondays & Wednesdays, 2-4PM (Fall 2025)
Instructor: Nicholas Grounds

Why do you believe what you believe? Take a look at some of the traditional arguments for and against God’s existence, the resurrection of Jesus, and the reasonableness of faith.

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Spring 2025 Classes

New Testament: The Revolutionary Book About God

Schedule: Monday & Wednesday 2pm-4pm
Instructor: Dr. Derek King

An introduction to the characters, ideas, and events that changed the world.

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Christian Worldview: Christianity and its Fashionable Alternatives

Schedule: Tuesday & Thursday, 2pm-4pm
Instructor: Kate Grounds

Learn the foundations of a Christian worldview and how it compares to other world religions and belief systems.

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Previously offered at Lewis House

Defending the Faith: Answering Challenges To the Christian Faith

Schedule: Tuesday & Thursday 3pm-5pm
Instructor: Nick Grounds

Tackle the highs and lows of the world-shaping story of the history of Christianity. A story unlike any other.

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History of Christianity

Schedule: Tuesday & Thursday 2pm-4pm
Instructor: Dr. Derek King

Tackle the highs and lows of the world-shaping story of the history of Christianity. A story unlike any other.

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Basic Christian Theology

Schedule: Monday & Wednesday, 3pm-5pm
Instructor: Dr. Derek King

“People have fallen into a foolish habit of speaking of theology as something heavy, humdrum, and safe. There was never anything so perilous or so exciting.” —G. K. Chesterton

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Philosophy of C. S. Lewis

Schedule: May 13-24, 2024 |  Two Week Intensive (MTWHF) 10am-2pm
Instructor: Dr. Derek King

Explore the life, works and thought of C. S. Lewis, one of the most influential thinkers and authors of the 20th century.

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FAQs about Lewis House Classes:

1. We offered courses accredited by Asbury University. Thanks to the Transfer Equivalency System, we know exactly what your class will transfer to UK as. For example, Basic Christian Doctrine (TH 250) transfers to UK as 3 hours of 200+ General Credit (GEED 250). This is approved by the UK/BTCT Registrar office. We guarantee your credit—or money back!

An important note: This is not a UK course. In order to remain a full-time student at UK, you need to take at least 12 credit hours of UK courses. This course will not count toward those 12 hours. But if you take 12 hours of UK courses and a Lewis House course, you will finish the semester with 15 total credit hours.

2. This class is approved by the UK/BCTC Registrar’s office for transfer credit! We guarantee this, or else you will receive a 100% refund.

3. UK and BCTC have already approved transfer credits through Asbury, but you should decide if it fits into your schedule or is helpful toward getting your degree. So you should talk about it with your university academic advisor. Again, this course is guaranteed to transfer in by the Registrar’s office, so the advisor should not say it won’t count for you.

4. Make sure when you sign up for your other classes that you understand this class does not count towards your status as a UK/BCTC student. You would still need to take 12 credit hours of UK or BCTC coursework to retain full-time status. We recommend taking 12 hours of credit at UK/BCTC, and supplementing that with this course through Lewis House so you have a total load of 15 credit hours.

5. Once you have decided the course would work for you, apply for a spot in our class. You can do that here. It takes less than 5 minutes and requires no outside documentation. Applications are due by May 1st, and we only have a limited number of spots, so get started now!

6. Set up a meeting with a Lewis House staff member and advisor. We’ll help you quickly fill out the paperwork that Asbury, our accrediting university, will need to get you your credit! It’s easy and should only take a few minutes. You’ll pay a small deposit on your tuition then (that counts toward the total).

7. Before the beginning of the semester, you’ll pay the remaining balance for the class, then you’re all set!

If you have more questions or concerns, don’t worry! Email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.

Yes! You won’t register through UK, but you can take our classes, which are accredited through Asbury University, and transfer the credit to UK or BCTC with no problems.

If you have more questions or concerns, don’t worry! Email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.

We are planning to allow non-students and auditors to sit in on these courses, if the class size is not filled by for-credit students. Priority will be given to those of college(-ish) age and those seeking credit for the course.

If you have more questions or concerns, don’t worry! Email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.

College credit is available to students taking Lewis House classes through an incredible partnership with Asbury University. Our classes are designed in conjunction with Asbury and so share in their accreditation. The course credit you receive will be a credit that transfers from Asbury University to UK (or BCTC). Course transfer between these institutions is not an uncommon thing, which gives added assurance that the process will be clear and smooth.

If you have more questions or concerns, don’t worry! Email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.

Our classes are designed in conjunction with Asbury and so share in their accreditation. As a result, the course credit you receive will be a credit that transfers from Asbury University to UK (or BCTC). Course transfer between these institutions is not an uncommon thing, which gives added assurance that the process will be clear and smooth. See the first FAQ above for further details on how this process works—and how we’re available to make it even easier for you.

If you have more questions or concerns, don’t worry! Email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.

If you want to maintain full-time status at UK, you need to make sure you take at least 12 hours of UK courses. Anything you take in addition to that through us won’t affect your status.

If you have more questions or concerns, don’t worry! Email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.

Thanks to generous patrons of Lewis House to offer scholarship and underwrite the costs, you only pay $100 per classsubstantially less than what most institutions charge for classes!

If you have more questions or concerns, don’t worry! Email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.