Project Description

Christian Worldview: Christianity and its Fashionable Alternatives

Tuesday & Thursday, 2:00 – 4:00 PM

We all view the world around us through a particular lens. Whether or not we realize it, we carry around a certain set of ideas and assumptions about why the world is the way it is. But what does it mean to view the world through a distinctively Christian lens? In this class, we’ll lay a foundation for how to think and live Christanly. We’ll define what a Christian worldview is, familiarize ourselves with the Biblical narrative, and compare Christianity to other prominent belief systems and world religions—and why it matters for us today.

  • Professor: Kate Grounds

  • Schedule: Tuesdays & Thursdays 2-4pm (January – May)

  • Credit Hours: 3 hours

  • Transfer Credit: Asbury University TH 290 → Transfers to UK as General Elective Credit 200 level

  • After generous scholarships provided by donors, the cost is only $100 per 3 hour course – including books.

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