
Kentucky Analytic Theology Seminar

KATS is a space for Christian academics to present work and receive thoughtful, critical, and charitable feedback.

Fall 2024

September 4th |  Derek King (Lewis House), “Theological Attention”

October 2nd | David Bradshaw (University of Kentucky), “A Biblical and Patristic Approach to Human Rights”

November 6th | Joel Archer (Asbury Theological Seminary), “Counterfactural Permission and the Problem of Suffering”

December 2nd | Jordan Wessling (Lindsay Wilson College), “Divine Punishment”


The idea of KATS started with a realization: a lot of academics in the central Kentucky orbit are also in the analytic theology orbit. So, why not get together occasionally and talk theology?

That’s the idea. KATS isn’t associated with any academic institution, but it imitates an academic seminar. In short, the goal of KATS is a space for Christian academics to present work and receive thoughtful, critical, and charitable feedback. Presenters are invitation-only, but we are open to nominations. Please fill out the form below if you’re interested in presenting.

Anyone is welcome to attend—academic or not, theologian or not, analytic or not. But, “analytic theology” gives you an idea of what to expect at KATS. We’ll discuss theology with a willingness to engage philosophy and with a deep concern for clarity and precision. That doesn’t mean, of course, that there won’t also be a deep concern for Scripture or the theological tradition or other branches of philosophy. There absolutely will be! So, we more than welcome you and your particular perspective, even if you don’t consider yourself an “analytic theologian.”

We also invite non-academics to participate, but with this warning: the presentations and discussions will be at an academic level. So expect some jargon or technical terms. But we’d be delighted if you joined in on the discussion,  even if you’ve not had theological training.

Please pass along this page with anyone you think will be interested!

We meet once per month, usually on the first Monday or Wednesday of the month. See the schedule for specific dates.

KATS meets at Lewis House. Lewis House is a non-denominational Christian study center on the University of Kentucky campus. The goal of Lewis House  is thoughtful Christian engagement at the intersection of faith and academia. You can read more about the ministry here.

Lewis House is also the temporary home of Christian Student Fellowship, a large campus ministry on UK’s campus (and from which Lewis House was launched). Because of that, Lewis House currently shares the space, especially in the evenings. That means that when KATS meets (on Monday evenings), there will be other CSF events happening, too.

Because of the other CSF events, parking can get tricky. But we have this handy parking guide for you. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Derek at [email protected] if you have questions about this.

See below for more about the typical meeting schedule. Assuming you’re not presenting, your role at KATS is simple:

  1. Read the article before the meeting
  2. Show up
  3. Ask questions or offer feedback during the feedback time

Easy, right? We should add: you’re welcome even if you haven’t read the article. But we encourage everyone to read the article because the presenter will not read the entire paper at the meeting.

While there will likely be exceptions, a typical meeting will follow this format:

  • Opening comments and announcements from the moderator
  • Presenter offers a 10-15 minute summary of the paper’s argument
  • A Responder then offers a 5-10 minute prepared response to the paper
  • The moderator then opens up for the feedback session (~30-45 min). In this time, the floor is open for all who wish to ask questions or offer feedback. The presenter can respond to each question or feedback if they wish.

Everything is informal. We usually start at 7 PM and end around 8:15 PM. A few of us will hang around after for conversation. Light refreshments provided.

Fall 2024

September 4th |  Derek King (Lewis House), “Theological Attention”

October 2nd | David Bradshaw (University of Kentucky), “A Biblical and Patristic Approach to Human Rights”

November 6th | Joel Archer (Asbury Theological Seminary), “Counterfactural Permission and the Problem of Suffering”

December 2nd | Jordan Wessling (Lindsay Wilson College), “Divine Punishment”

Previous Presentations 

Brad Barlow (Oxford University), “Getting Beyond Scarcity: Christian Ethics and the Economic Problem” [Nicholas Grounds Responding]

Scott Davison, “The Ethics of Goodbye” [Claire Peterson Responding]

KATS Conference – Individuals and Communities: Social Ontology for the Church (Featuring presentations by Joshua Cockayne, Koert Verhagen, Jonathan Rutledge, and David Bradshaw)

Scott Williams (University of North Carolina), “One God” and the Filioque [Derek King Responding]

Sydney Penner (Asbury University), “Some Questions about the Imago Dei” [Kevin Kinghorn Responding]

Kevin Kinghorn (Asbury Theological Seminary), Why I’m not a moral realist (and you shouldn’t be, either) [Mike Austin Responding]

Thomas McCall (Asbury Theological Seminary), “Trinity and Simplicity: More Work To Be Done” [Scott Davison Responding]

Beau Branson, “God, and His Word, and His Spirit, Are One God: An Outline of Monarchical Trinitarianism” [David Bradshaw Responding]

Philipp Rosemann (University of Kentucky), “A Brief Theology of the As If (inspired by a remark of Joseph Ratzinger)”

Michael Austin (Eastern Kentucky University), “The Moral Theology of Sport”

David Bradshaw (University of Kentucky), “Of Essence, Energies, and Computer Programs” [Beau Branson Responding]

Claire Peterson (Asbury University), “Species-Membership and Moral Personhood” [Scott Davison Responding]

Jordan Wessling (Lindsay Wilson College), “God of Holy Love: Toward an Agapist Alternative to Mark Murphy’s Holiness Framework for Divine Action” [Thomas McCall Responding]